1st selfie of 2016! Not bad for a guy that can't see very well.Happy New Year! I hope that 2016 is a great one for you! I am prepared for a year of transition, but hopefully ready for the challenge. 2015 ended on a positive note, as I completed computer training at the Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired in Chester. You can follow them on twitter @CBVIChester. Just as important as learning to use a computer with JAWS from Freedom Scientific was the social aspect of attending class at the Center as part of a group, rather than one-on-one at home. While my classmates and I may come from different backgrounds, we all have one thing in common, and that is a lack of eyesight.

Some of us have more sight than the others, but we all have stories to tell about how we get through life that people with sight just wouldn’t comprehend. We learned from one another and laughed with one another. I am so glad that I opted to do the training at the Center, even though it meant getting up hours earlier than usual. The friendships that I made with my classmates and the instructors will last a lifetime.

Speaking of friends… My friend and former CBVI classmate, Warren, emailed me a couple of days ago about the KNFB Reader app. This is an app that has received great reviews and one that I have wanted for over a year. His email mentioned that the app was 25% off until 4 January. While some say $75 for an iPhone app is expensive, if it works as-advertised, it is priceless for someone that is blind or has low vision like me. I have downloaded the app and am amazed at what it can do, so far. I’ll post a review in the coming weeks. Don’t miss the deal on the KNFB Reader!