It’s been about 18 months since I’ve posted anything here. I don’t usually do New Year’s resolutions, but this year I do have one. It is to post more frequently here. Considering today in 9 January, I’m not off to a good start. My goal is to write on more topics than my visual impairment. Of course, most posts will have something to do with my poor vision, simply because it affects just about everything I do.

I will still whine and complain here, hopefully so I do it less to Eliz and the kids. I was told by an acquaintance that I should be thankful for what I have once when I was complaining about my sight. This person didn’t realize that I cannot pick up a book, a letter, a magazine and read it, or drive, use the washing machine, or a boatload of other tasks. This person just thought my vision was a little fuzzy. Believe me, I am thankful for what I have, so I can do without the “what for” when I’m complaining about not being able to do something that most everyone else can do. If you don’t want to hear me bitch and moan, you probably don’t want to read my blog, my tweets, or be friends with me on facebook.

I’m sure that many people don’t understand what folks who are blind or visually impaired deal with. There was a good article in the New York Times on Sunday called Why Do We Fear the Blind? Among other things, the article talks about the misconceptions that people with low vision or no vision have better hearing or sense of smell. As a kid, I was told that my hearing was better because I couldn’t see. As the article states, my hearing isn’t any better, I just have to rely on it more than someone with good vision.

As you can see on this site, I have advertising. Each post will now be sponsored by a product or service usually available at I’d appreciate it if, when you need to make a purchase at
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