Dinner With Friends (And Getting There On My Own)

Eliz and I had plans to have dinner with our friends (and former neighbors) Mike and Lisa, and Jane and Ipen at Tom’s Dim Sum in Media. We were going on a Thursday night at 6.15pm. Thursdays are one of Eliz’s long days, where she works extended day at The Walden School unit 6.00pm. So that meant that I’d have to get to her before 6.00pm or meet at the restaurant. I really didn’t want to use Uber, because that is about $12 to get me from our apartment to the school. Since it was around dinnertime, I really didn’t want to ask my sister-in-law Margaret to take me over there. After thinking for a minute, I realized that I could take the bus to the trolley and just meet Eliz and our friends at the restaurant.