Exercise At Home

Sometimes you have to work around issues that you can’t control. Since Eliz’s schedule changed we no longer go to the gym. Going on my own isn’t really an option, so I have to exercise in or around my home (apartment.) One way I get steps in is by walking around my apartment while I am talking on the phone. You’d be surprised how many steps you can log in a 1300 square foot apartment while on a 20 minute phone call. I also can get nearly 2000 steps in when I take out the trash. The dumpster is about a 450 step round trip. I add to that by walking up to the top floor of our building and walking down and back on that floor. I then walk down the steps to the next level and do the same. There are five floors in our building. Each floor hallway is about 225 steps round trip. I usually take the trash out late, so there is no one else in the halls. That makes it easy for me to do without my white cane.