Myth Or Reality: Blind People’s Other Senses Are Greater

I love getting questions about being blind. Last week, when I was at a doctor’s appointment, the technician who took me to the room asked me a couple of questions about blind people. She was appreciative that I took the time to answer them.  Thanks to Dan for calling in with the questions for this episode. He wanted to know if blind people’s other senses were better than a sighted person’s. Sometimes, it seems that blind people have heightened senses to make up for their blindness. In reality, it is just that they must rely on the other senses more. Dan’s other question was about my podcast. As I mentioned on the episode, it is easy to get started with podcasting. I’m sure you’ve got something you love to talk about. All you need is a microphone, your computer, and a place to host your audio files (which is different than the place you use to host your website.) I use my iMac, a Sennheiser Headset, and Garageband. David is pictured wearing his Sennheiser Headset with Garageband showing on the iMac behind him.