Meetup To Eat Up At Victoria Freehouse

Links to things I talked about in the episode:

  • Philly Meetup for the Blind and Visually Impaired If you aren’t in the Philadelphia area, have a look around Meetup to see if there is something similar in your area. If there isn’t, why not start one?
  • Philly Touch Tours This link take you to their Facebook page, since it is more current than their website.
  • Victoria Freehouse I really liked this place. British Pub with pub fare. They even open early for Premier League matches. I would love to go there when my favorite club is on (Arsenal or any club playing Man U.)

Anyone who knows me or listens to the podcast knows how much I love the Amazon Echo. I listen in the shower, in the kitchen, and in the living room. Being able to control a device just by speaking makes life so much easier for someone who is blind or visually impaired. How many times have you inadvertently set an alarm on your clock radio just because you were feeling around for the button to turn the volume up or down? I can’t tell you how many times I did that when we had a clock radio in the bathroom just so we could listen to the radio while showering. Keep in mind as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. That means if you click the link and buy the Amazon Echo or just about anything else at Amazon, I earn a small commission. So even if you want something else at Amazon, please use my link. It won’t cost you anything more and I’ll make a little something. I appreciate it!