In this episode of the iCantCU Podcast, I talk about what we thought was a medical issue with our puppy Ziggy. It turns out it will be a story we laugh about for a long time. I also talk about another way I thought my family could obtain EU passports. The short answer is: we can’t. I will continue to explore ways to obtain another passport. For now, enjoy this story of my latest roadblock in that quest and a funny story about our puppy Ziggy. It’s funny now but wasn’t so much at the time.

Corrections And Non-Corrections

In the episode, I mentioned Jamal Wilkes as playing for the Philadelphia Eagles. I should have said, Reggie Wilkes. Reggie and Jamal are cousins. Jamal played for the LA Lakers at the time when I interviewed Reggie. I asked Reggie if he got pointers on basketball from his cousin.

The non-correction is this: I titled the podcast Our Own Little Snoop Dog intentionally. I was worried if I spelled it the same way as the rapper it might create a problem on Apple Podcasts. I spelled this post the proper way.