In this episode of the iCantCU Podcast, I talk about how Ziggy’s two emergency trips to the vet gave me a story to tell about my vaccine booster appointment. I also introduce a new segment of the show: Blind People For Dummies Tip Of The Week.

What A White Cane Is For

Blind people use a white cane to “see” what is coming. The white cane touches an object before the person walks into it.


You should never grab a blind person. If you feel that a blind person needs assistance, just ask them, “Do you need help?” If they say yes, offer your elbow. They may take it or ask you to take theirs (which is what I would do.)

Ziggy Seems To Be Feeling Better

Not sure if it was the Gabapentin or not, but Ziggy seems to be feeling better after burning his mouth and throat on just-out-of-the-oven palmiers. We are slowly working his normal food back into his meals.

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