In this episode of the iCantCU Podcast, I talk about my appointment with a cornea specialist and the options I have moving forward. I also tell you about more email issues that goes well above the phishing scam from two weeks ago. 

More Steroids Or Another Cornea Transplant

My two options are either take more steroid drops or schedule another cornea transplant. For once, the choice was pretty easy. I’m going to try the drops for a couple of months and see what happens.

Risks For Both Options

With any kind of treatment, there are risks. The eye drops could cause my interocular pressure to increase. That may affect my glaucoma. Doing any kind of surgery could create a whole host of issues, like uncontrollable glaucoma and infection.

Email Hacked

The ongoing email issues I’ve had since the phishing scam took another turn this week. I received a reply to an email I sent to someone requesting an invoice for the Keystone Chapter t-shirts. The response I got was not from the person that I emailed (even though it looked like it was) and fortunately I could tell. Loss of funds avoided, but not sure how safe my email account is, so I shutdown the ability to send emails at the server level.

BJ’s Customer Service Is Still Horrendous

Our BJ’s saga continues. They would rather us return our order, a seven piece patio dining set than replace one defective chair. We are questioning whether or not to renew our membership when it expires next month.

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If you’ve got questions, comments, or show ideas, I want to hear from you! Call (646) 926-6350 and leave a message. Include your name and town and let me know if it is okay to use your voice on an upcoming episode. You can also email the show at

The doctor assured me it wasn’t that my cornea tissue was 82 years old (25 years older than the rest of me,) that was the problem. It sounds like all cornea & partial cornea transplants have a limited shelf life. I’ve had mine for nearly 13 years. #podcast