In this episode of the iCantCU Podcast, I talk about additional issues with my vision and the prospects of having a full thickness cornea transplant or partial cornea transplant. I also give step-by-step instructions on how you can help blind people enjoy Instagram more by adding the alt text to your images when you post them. I also can’t help but give a short update to how things are going for my team, FC Tunguska, in the All Blind Football League.

Episode Title Is Clickbait, But We Need Your Help

Is the title of this episode clickbait? Absolutely. But, nothing is more frustrating to me and other blind and visually impaired people than to be scrolling through Instagram and come across an image with the caption, “This is hilarious!” What is it? I want to know. Here is how you can let us in on the secret.

How To Add Alt Text To Instagram Posts

After selecting the image(s) you’re going to post and add the filter you want, you get to the page titled New Post. It is the page where you add a caption, a location, and such. Tap Advanced Settings at the bottom of the page. At the bottom of that page is the header Accessibility. Tap Write Alt Text just below the heading. Now just type a description of the photo. Add as much as you feel will set the image for a blind person. You can add something short, like, “I’m standing in front of an evergreen tree.” Or, go in-depth, “I’m standing in front of an evergreen tree on grass. It is a beautiful day with just a few white, puffy clouds in the sky. I’m wearing a black t-shirt and jeans.” Now, when you add the caption that says, “Great day!” Blind folks will get the whole picture. See what I did there?

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Get In Touch

If you’ve got questions, comments, or show ideas, I want to hear from you! Call (646) 926-6350 and leave a message. Include your name and town and let me know if it is okay to use your voice on an upcoming episode. You can also email the show at

We Love Ted Lasso

Eliz and I love Ted Lasso and weren’t surprised by all the Emmys the show won this year. Click the AppleTV+ logo below and start your free trial. This is an affiliate link, so we will earn a small commission. You don’t need to love sports or footie specifically to love this show.